April 7 2019 Nichizengu

Red:Ichigo train
Blue:Tama train
Green:Omocha train
Pink:Umeboshi train
darkorange:Usual train(no service)
maroon:Usual train(no service)

■For Wakayama

05  45
06  26/46
07  16/33/50
08  07/24/41/57
09  14/31
10  00/30
11  00/30
12  00/30
13  00/30
14  01/31
15  00/30
16  02/34/55
17  12/31/49
18  10/28
19  04/33
20  07/35
21  06/35
22  04/34
23  30

■For Kishi

06  09/47
07  16/伊32/50
08  伊06/23/伊40/56
09  伊13/30
10  00/30
11  00/30
12  00/30
13  00/30
14  00/30
15  00/30
16  01/35/伊54
17  11/伊30/50
18  伊10/29
19  04/35
20  06/36
21  05/34
22  04/34
23  03/43

It is about 4 minutes to Wakayama

* 伊 mark is Idakiso Stop
* Since a preliminary announcement may be that there is nothing changed for the reason of an inspection and others, please understand the use vehicles.
